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Nanowires offer less damaging brain probe

  • 著者:Ella Cai
  • 公開::2017-04-21
A team from Korea created extra-flexible neural electrodes, using zinc oxide nanowires, that minimise tissue damage without losing signal fidelity.

According to the researchers, from the Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology, smaller conventional brain electrodes are generally easier on the brain tissue, but detect signals less well.

The new probe electrode starts with a thin gold base on which a forest of zinc oxide nanowires are grown to increase its effective surface area, thereby reducing connection impedance.

Subsequent coating with a thin layer of gold followed by a layer of the conductive polymer PEDOT (poly[3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) strengthens the electrode and boost tissue compatibility without ruining flexibility.

A second part of the probe is the interconnect, between electrode and outside world, made from a mix of graphene and gold to combine graphene’s flexibility with gold’s conductivity.

“The researchers tested the probe and found it read rat brain signals very clearly, much better than a standard flat, gold electrode,” said the Institute. “The probe requires further clinical tests before widespread commercialisation.”

A wireless version is mooted.