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> 뉴스 > Company News > 2016 IC market grew 2.6%

2016 IC market grew 2.6%

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-05-16
The semiconductor market grew 2.6% last year to $343.5 billion, says Gartner.

The top 25 companies collectively grew 10.5 %.

“The semiconductor industry rebounded in 2016, with a weak start to the year, characterised by inventory correction, giving way to strengthening demand and an improving pricing environment in the second half,” said says Gartner’s James Hines, “worldwide semiconductor revenue growth was supported by increasing production in many electronic equipment segments, improving NAND flash memory pricing and relatively benign currency movements.”

Intel retained its No. 1 position and grew its semiconductor revenue 4.6% in 2016. Samsung continued to maintain the No. 2 spot with 11.7% market share.

The Top Ten 2016
Intel 54,091
Samsung 40,104
Qualcomm. 15,415
Hynix. 14,700
Broadcom 13,223
Micron 12,950
Texas Instruments. 11,901
Toshiba. 9,918
NXP 9,306
MediaTek. 8,725