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> 뉴스 > Company News > 24.7 million wearables shipped.....

24.7 million wearables shipped in Q1, says IDC, up nearly 18% on Q1 2016.

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-06-06
24.7 million wearables shipped in Q1, says IDC, up nearly 18% on Q1 2016.

Xiaomi and Apple each shipped 3.6 million devices taking a collective 29.3% of the market.

Fitbit came in 3rd with 3 million units and 12.3% market share.

Samsung, shipping 1.4 million wearables, came in No.4 with 5.5% share and Garmin, shipping 1.1 million came fifth with 4.6% share.

“The market is still in the first phase of development, the second phase of development will be all about putting user data to good use,” says IDC’s Jitesh Ubrani, “when we will start to see devices that actually augment our abilities and make our lives easier or more productive rather than just being another screen we keep an eye on.”