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> 뉴스 > Company News > 2A switching regulator replace.....

2A switching regulator replaces TO-220 linears

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-03-28
Recom has introduced a three-pin 2A switching regulator that is pin-compatible with linear regulators in TO-220 packages and operates at up to 96% efficiency – and therefore doesn’t need a heatsink.

Part of the R-78B series, it comes in a 11.5 x 8.5 x 17.5 mm SIP3 package, making the power density up to 17.5W/cm³, said Recom.

Replacement of 78xx linear regulators is one potential application.

Output voltages spans 1.2-15Vdc – so up to 30W delivered) and input voltage is up to 32Vdc. Minimum input voltage depends on output voltage (see data sheet).
Operation over -40 to +70°C is possible without a heatsink.

“Tight output regulation protects against any sudden change in input voltage and keeps interference levels low and output voltage stable,” claimed the firm.
For low board height, the L-version, which has 90° pins, allows horizontal mounting.

Short-circuit protection is included, and in this state input current is 50mA.

All modules are certified to IEC/EN62368-1 and EN55022 with a CB report, and come with a three-year warranty.