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> 뉴스 > Industry News > ADI breaks ground on new HQ

ADI breaks ground on new HQ

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2018-08-24
ADI has broken ground on its new headquarters in Wilmington, Massachussetts.

The facility will feature laboratories, design and manufacturing and cross-functional group collaboration space.

In addition to 13,700 additional square metres for R&D, the global headquarters will include a 4,700 m² Hub comprising a café, fitness facility and auditorium designed to enable and encourage employees from all departments and functions to gather, connect and engage.

At a ground-breaking ceremony the Company hosted Jay Ash, Secretary of Housing and Economic Development for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Senator Bruce Tarr, Jeff Hull, Manager of the Town of Wilmington and other dignitaries.

from the Commonwealth,  AssociatedIndustries of Massachusetts, the Town of Wilmington Board of Selectmen and Finance Committee and other dignitaries.

Following brief remarks from guests including Analog Devices’ Co-Founder and Chairman Ray Stata, executives and speakers participated in a celebratory ground-breaking.

A pictorial history of the Wilmington facility was on display alongside renderings of the new facilities and renovations to existing structures that showcased light-filled spaces and greenery in and outside the buildings.