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> 뉴스 > Industry News > ARM launches embedded Linux ed.....

ARM launches embedded Linux education kit

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-03-28
ARM has brought out an Embedded Linux Education Kit to train students and future engineers on Linux development.

The kit includes full courseware on how to develop embedded Linux products, including Linux kernel configuration and custom peripheral driver development, using  ARM-based single board computers.

The courseware is highly modular and includes a rich set of lecture slides with notes and lab manuals with solutions.

Subject to a qualification process and hardware platform availability, the kits are donated free-of-charge to Faculty/Educators worldwide to use in their courses.

The course aims to produce students who are capable of developing an embedded Linux system on low cost yet powerful ARM based platforms, including customer peripheral development for various applications using standard software tools.

Learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding of:
Embedded Linux Operating System architecture
Linux-based embedded system component stack
Linux kernel modules
System configuration and boot process
Communication between kernel space and user space
System debugging and profiling

Ability to choose between different software tools for the development of an embedded Linux system
Ability to evaluate implementation results (e.g. speed, cost, power) and correlate them with the corresponding system

Ability to use industry standard tools to configure and build an embedded Linux system stack
Ability to develop kernel modules for customer peripherals
Ability to debug and profile embedded Linux systems using industry standard software tools

Basics of operating systems, basics of software programing in C

The course consists of a number of modules sufficient to run a typical term course (8 to 10 weeks). It starts with an overview of Linux embedded systems, introducing the basic components such as kernel, bootloader, root file system and device tree.
It then introduces kernel modules and how to develop them using automatic building tools. Finally, it presents methods for system debugging and profiling, and demonstrates full applications.

Table of Contents
Introduction to Linux and Embedded Systems
Linux-based Embedded System Component Stack
Anatomy of a Linux-based System
Configuration & Build Process
Linux Kernel Modules
Communication Between Kernel and User Space
Application Demo: Building a Ranging Sensor Kernel Module
System Debugging & Profiling