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> 뉴스 > Industry News > Amazon and Dell join Toshiba s.....

Amazon and Dell join Toshiba saga

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-04-21
Hon Hai, which is trying to sanitise its bid for Toshiba’s chip unit, has proposed a consortium bid involving Amazon and Dell as well as Sharp and Apple.

Hon Hai’s bid has run into regulatory concerns that, because of its extensive manufacturing interests in China, the Toshiba technology may leak to the China companies trying to set up 3D NAND fabs in Wuhan and Nanjing.

According to Japan’s Mainichi newspaper, under the new Hon Hai consortium proposal, Hon Hai and Apple would take 20% each of Toshiba, while Amazon, Dell and Sharp would each take 10%. Another, unnamed, Japanese company would also take 10%.

The Japanese government bail-out organs – INCJ and Development Bank of Japan have been trying to put together a consortium of a Japanese bidders for Toshiba but are, reportedly, finding it hard to get anyone interested.