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> 뉴스 > Industry News > Amplicon offers UK-built Intel.....

Amplicon offers UK-built Intel processor-based PC

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-04-25
Amplicon has introduced the Impact-D 160 embedded PC based on a Skylake processor.

Amplicon has introduced the Impact-D 160 embedded PC based on a Skylake processor.

Designed and built in the UK, the embedded PC will offer two processor options: i5 and i3.

The unit offers both mSATA and a mechanical/solid-state drive capability for storage and OS requirements.

Support of both cellular and Wi-Fi connectivity allows to “stay connected” even if you lose the Gigabit Ethernet connections protecting up time.

The computer comes with four DB9 serial communications ports: two supporting mixed protocol (RS232, 422, 485) and two static RS232.