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> 뉴스 > Industry News > Arduino education kit takes on.....

Arduino education kit takes on Raspberry Pi in the classroom

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-04-19
The Arduino CTC 101 education kit for teaching the fundamentals of electronics, programming and mechatronics is now being sold exclusively in Europe by RS Components.

Intended as an educational aid for the 13 to 17 age group at secondary schools, the Arduino-based kit supports programming and mechatronics with five themed modules and offers more than 25 hands-on experiments.

Each CTC 101 kit includes: six Genuino 101 programmable microcontroller boards; six Arduino Education Shields; a set of sensors and actuators; component modules; breadboards; a wide selection of electronic components, connectors and wires; plus other elements such as servo motors, USB cable, wheels and bearings, batteries and power modules.

Arduino has also created a programme for upper secondary education.

Arduino writes:

“Students are introduced to the fundamentals of programming, electronics and mechatronics through a series of well-documented projects and easy-to-assemble experiments. Training for the programme is available online and through a combination of recorded lectures, support materials and Q&A forums, via Arduino.”
Initially, the CTC 101 is exclusively available via RS and is shipping now in EMEA and Asia Pacific regions.