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> 뉴스 > Company News > Arrow backs student Formula-E .....

Arrow backs student Formula-E teams

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-06-09
Some 3,500 students across Europe participate in the programme each year, producing more than 100 custom vehicles.

In Norway, Arrow is partnering with Revolve NTNU, which is representing the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). In Germany, Arrow’s Stuttgart office is part of Greenteam.

NTNU’s Revolve initiative started in 2010 with the simple mission of moving engineering students from theory to practice. Greenteam in Germany has a similar focus.

This year’s “Formula-E” electric race cars were finished in May, and 2017 Formula Student races take place at the end of June. Awards are given for achievements ranging from design to speed to project management and beyond.

In addition to participating in an advisory capacity, Arrow is donating cash and components, and has encouraged some of its leading suppliers to join these efforts.

The most important outcome is not necessarily the vehicles themselves, but what students learn during the eight months it takes them to build them.

Today, the Revolve NTNU team joins Arrow’s annual technology seminar event in Norway and presents their experience with the 2017 project. The team will also give an outlook to the 2018 autonomous race car project.