- 2017-08-30Huber+Suhner expands MXP digital test connector range with 50Ghz version
- 2017-08-30People unhappy about driverless cars
- 2017-08-30Google submits proposal to stop searches favouring its shopping service
- 2017-08-30Sondrel plans to recruit 100 engineers in £10m investment plan
- 2017-08-29VW emissions fraud engineer gets 40 months jail and $200k fine
- 2017-08-29Fujitsu Labs applies AI to bridge inspection
- 2017-08-29Taiwan launches first satellite
- 2017-08-24Component shortage to hit smartphone sales
- 2017-08-24$400bn chip market next year, says WSTS
- 2017-08-24Moortec launches 7nm on-chip monitoring IP for SoC
- 2017-08-24China to begin 14nm production next year
- 2017-08-24Microsoft uses Intel FPGAs for real-time AI in the cloud
- 2017-08-21MediaTek selects MIPS for LTE modems
- 2017-08-21DRAM revenue at record levels
- 2017-08-21Scottish tech firm plans growth and recruitment
- 2017-08-21Gate drive PSU aimed at SiC mosfets
- 2017-08-18Micron doubles size of R&D centre
- 2017-08-18EUV finally makes it
- 2017-08-18ThoughtSpot funding reaches $160m
- 2017-08-18Don’t hold your breath for lithium-air cells
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