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> 뉴스 > Company News > Hirose designs high current co.....

Hirose designs high current connector with push-on lock

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2018-09-04
Hirose’s latest circular connector, the EM52M series, has been designed with a push-on bayonet lock mechanism to reduce the risk of electrical shock with the IP2X rated specification designed for finger protection against access to hazardous parts.

The connector is designed to lock simply by pushing the plug until the user hears an audible click, which is marked with triangles, which makes it easier for the user to visually line up the plug for blind mating. To un-mate the connector, the user simply twists the sleeve of the plug and pulls.

The circular connector has a maximum current handling of 140A through the use of a multi-point contact spring.

The connector series has a waterproof version meeting the IP67 specification, for dustproof and waterproof protection due to the built-in O-ring capable of withstanding liquid intrusion.

Termination of the crimp contact can be carried out using standard JIS crimping tools. A contact removal tool is available to remove the contact from the housing.

The design should provide the benefits of a bayonet locking system – electromechanical security, vibration resistance and positive sealing – but with the operation of a push-on design.