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> 뉴스 > Industry News > LED firm aims to recruit women.....

LED firm aims to recruit women returning to work after childbirth

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-05-06
Women returning to work after childbirth have an important role to play in technology industries, says Seoul Semiconductor.

Seoul Semiconductor and its sister firm Seoul Viosys are recruiting design and sales staff for its global LED business.

As part of this programme, the companies are keen to recruit women with valuable skills, but who have interrupted their careers for reasons such as children and family.

UK engineering organisation, the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) has recently highlighted the need for the engineering and technology sectors to attract a wider talent pool, including career returners.

“Our sector must move away from the misconception that career breaks get in the way and are a problem,” said Jeremy Watson, IET President.

“Employers should view career breaks as periods of self-development and develop a culture that accommodates and values these breaks and the skills and competence of those members of staff that are currently being overlooked and side-lined.”

South Korea-based Seoul Semiconductor is also hoping to draw on the experience of retired professionals who can help as advisors.

“We look forward to meeting interested and driven professionals who embrace challenges with enthusiasm and passion, and can help rewrite the history of light in Korea and the world over,” said JH Oh, head of human resources with Seoul Semiconductor.

This recruitment process will include a range of employment options such as part-time jobs and flexi-time jobs.

The company has LED production facilities in Korea, China, the US and Vietnam. Its global sales companies are based in the US, China, Europe, and Japan.

It has local offices in Germany, the UK, Poland, Turkey, the Netherlands, Italy, Russia, France and India.

“Opportunities are available for working overseas for anyone with the appropriate job skills and language abilities,” said the company.

Benefits include profit sharing and the company offers support programmes for job-related education and improving language skills.

Seoul Semiconductor was founded in 1992 and today is the 5th largest LED supplier with annual sales of KRW 1 trillion.