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> 뉴스 > Company News > Microchip’s fourth-generation .....

Microchip’s fourth-generation in-circuit debugger

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-08-16
Microchip has announced MPLAB ICD 4, an in-circuit programming and debugging tool for PIC microcontrollers and dsPIC digital signal controllers.

All headers from the earlier MPLAB ICD 3 are supported, and inside is a 300MHz 32bit microcontroller.

“MPLAB ICD 4 includes all the features of the MPLAB ICD 3 debugger while a faster processor and increased buffer memory of 2Mbyte results in a product that is up to twice as fast,” said the firm.

Microchip is apparently pleased with the appearance, pointing out the durable black puck-shaped housing with a brushed aluminium top, accented with an LED light strip indicating debugging status.

Microchip ICD debugger

1.20 to 5.5V target voltage range
Optional 1 Amp output if fed from external power supply
Selectable pull-up/pull-down option to the target interface
Configurable interface speed
Intelligent, robust interface with fault detection and immunity
JTAG debugging

Part number if DV164045.