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PCIM: Fast charger tech for electric vehicles

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-05-17
Microsemi has announced at PCIM exhibition in Nuremberg that its fast recovery DQ diode product family is now AEC-Q101 qualified for use in the automotive market.

They are designed to offer higher switching speeds and lower switching loss compared to traditional diodes used as rectifiers in AC-DC/DC-DC converters.

Likely automotive applications may include high frequency power factor correction (PFC) boost in hybrid/electric vehicle (H/EV) battery chargers and powertrain (motor drive/energy recovery) platforms.

The big market for DQ diodes is in H/EV charging stations.

Jason Chiang, strategic marketing manager for Microsemi, writes:
“We are seeing tremendous success of DQ diode use in automotive applications like DC/fast DC charger applications. Achieving AEC-Q101 qualification extends the viability of our DQ diode product family for on-vehicle power conversion applications where charging and powertrain systems require safe and reliable automotive-qualified components.”

Microsemi’s AEC-Q101 qualified DQ diode devices are offered in 600 volt (V), 1,000V and 1,200V ratings and offer 15% lower reverse recovery charge than the previous generation parts.

Last year, Microsemi announced availability of AEC-Q100 qualified IGLOO 2 automotive-grade FPGAs in temperature grade 1.