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> 뉴스 > Industry News > Remarkable growth year for sem.....

Remarkable growth year for semi manufacturing equipment

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-07-26
June semiconductor manufacturing equipment billings were $2.29 billion, says SEMI, which is 0.8% up on May’$2.27 billion and 33.4% up on the June 2016 figure of $1.72 billion.

“Through the first half of the year, 2017 equipment billings are 50% above the same period last year,” says SEMI’s Dan Tracy, “while month-to-month growth is slowing, 2017 will be a remarkable growth year for the semiconductor capital equipment industry.”

2017 Billings and Y-o-Y increase

January $1,859.4 52.3%
February $1,974.0 63.9%
March $2,079.7 73.7%
April $2,136.4 46.3%
May 2017 $2,270.5 41.8%
June $2,288.9 33.4%