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> 뉴스 > Industry News > Samsung could overtake Intel t.....

Samsung could overtake Intel to be semi No.1 in Q2

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-05-02
If memory market prices continue to hold or increase through 2Q17 and the balance of this year, Samsung could charge into the top spot and displace Intel, which has held the No.1 ranking since 1993, says IC Insights.

Using the mid range sales guidance set by Intel for 2Q17, and a modest, yet typical, 2Q sales increase of 7.5% for Samsung, the South Korean supplier would unseat Intel as the world’s leading semiconductor supplier in 2Q17.

If achieved, this would mark a milestone achievement not only for Samsung, specifically, but for all other competing semiconductor producers who have tried for years to supplant Intel as the world’s largest supplier.

In 1Q16, Intel’s sales were 40% greater than Samsung’s, but in just over a year’s time, that lead may be erased and Intel may find itself trailing in quarterly sales.

Samsung’s big increase in sales has been driven by an amazing rise in DRAM and NAND flash average selling prices.