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> 뉴스 > Industry News > Security robot takes a dip

Security robot takes a dip

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-08-08
A Washington security robot named STEVE (pictured) was recently found in one of the city’s fountains.

Although foul play was initially suspected, STEVE’s manufacturer, Knightscope, says it slipped.

Knightscope said STEVE had a faulty algorithm which didn’t  detect an uneven surface.

STEVE was being trained to be fully autonomous while patrolling a development called Washington Harbour.

“Developing state-of-the-art autonomous technology must be done in real-world environments. It is not commercially reasonable to be developed in constrained laboratory settings,”  says Knightscope.

STEVE, says Knightscope has ‘an extensive catalog of security capabilities’.