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> 뉴스 > Industry News > TI sacks new CEO after six wee.....

TI sacks new CEO after six weeks in the job

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2018-07-19
TI has sacked its new CEO Brian Crutcher (pictured) who was appointed on June 1st.

Crutcher’s predecessor as CEO, Rich Templeton is moving back into the CEO slot.

Templeton took over as Chairman when Crutcher became CEO

The reason for Crutcher’s dismissal was given as ‘code-of-conduct violations’.

“The violations are related to personal behavior that is not consistent with our ethics and core values, but not related to company strategy, operations or financial reporting,” Texas Instruments

Bloomberg estimates that Crutcher could lose $43 million in stock options.