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Tech is good for your health, says Accenture

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-06-19
Technological advances have substantial benefits for healthcare, says a report from Accenture called ‘Technology Vision 2017 – Amplify You’.

“It’s no longer people who are adapting to technology – rather, the technology is adapting to us,” argues the report which lists five tech trends.

AI is one – “the new universal intelligence” – as the report describes it. AI is becoming the new healthcare UI with 84% of healthcare executives surveyed believing that AI will revolutionize the way they gain information from and interact with consumers, and 72% percent of health organisations surveyed saying they are already using virtual assistants to create better customer interactions.

Using ecosystem partners to enter new markets is another. “Companies should look for ecosystem partners that can either help them to enhance their existing offerings or open up new markets and new sources of revenue,” says Accenture’s Zahra Bahrololoumi. 66% of health organisations are taking steps to participate in ecosystems with 78% of the executives believing that competitive advantage will be determined by the strength of the partners and ecosystems they choose.

A third trend is for more on-demand labour sites with 85% of the executives surveyed planning to increase their use of freelancers.

Fourth is a trend towards improving peoples’ daily living needs. “Some of the most interesting developments are those being designed to improve the lives of disabled people,” says Bahrololoumi. 90% of execs believe there’s a gap between the wants and needs of health consumers

Accenture’s fifth trend is the ability of tech to invent new industries. 68% of the execs thought their industry was embarking on a new wave of digital business models,