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> 뉴스 > Industry News > USB scope reaches 25GHz

USB scope reaches 25GHz

Pico Technology has increased the bandwidth of its PicoScope 9300 family of sampling oscilloscopes with two 25GHz models.

“The USB-controlled sampling oscilloscope stands as one of very few low-cost, high-integrity options for viewing and measuring RF and microwave signals, paths and networks,” claimed the firm. “Sampling Oscilloscopes are the cost-effective solution to today’s proliferation of Gbit/s datastreams and their copper, wireless and optical fibre interconnect.”

The new 2 and 4 channel scopes (adding to existing 20GHz scopes), now support fifth harmonic capture for 10Gbit/s data and third harmonic capture up to 16Gbit/s – rates found in Ethernet, Thunderbolt, USB 3.1, PCIe 4, Rapid I/O, e-SATA, OC-192 / STM-64 and OC-256. “All have transmission lines, cables, components, transmitters and receivers that need pre-compliance testing and characterisation,” said Pico.

Low cost?
“For most of us, owning a real-time scope with 25GHz bandwidth is unrealistic, with prices starting from $200,000,” said Pico. “Renting is usually the only option but even that can cost over $15,000 per month. You can have a 25GHz sampling oscilloscope for the equivalent of 1 month’s rent of a 25GHz real-time box.”

PicoScope 9301-25   $16,765    €14,235    £11,765
PicoScope 9341-25   $26,235    €22,275    £18,405

PicoSample 3 software, which runs the PC end of 9300-series PicoScopes, is now at version 3.25, which includes touchscreen operation and masks for USB 2.0 and USB 3.1 Gen1 and Gen2.