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> 뉴스 > Industry News > Uber suspends driverless car t.....

Uber suspends driverless car test programme

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-03-27
Uber has suspended its driverless car programme after a crash in Arizona.

With Apple and Google already going leery on driverless cars, it is beginning to look as if expectations for the technology were over-egged.

Uber had already been banned from testing its self-driving cars in San Francisco before it went down to Arizona to try them out.

The self-driving car had two ‘safety’ drivers in the front seats when it crashed and turned onto its side.
Uber is being sued by Google for stealing its self-driving technology, its president has resigned, its culture is widely denounced as sexist, it is losing around $3 billion a year, revenue is said to cover only 40% of costs and its CEO was recently filmed ranting at a driver,

On the plus side it has raised $12 billion.