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> 뉴스 > Industry News > Vodafone makes €6bn loss

Vodafone makes €6bn loss

  • 저자:Ella Cai
  • 에 출시:2017-05-17
Vodafone made a loss of €6.1 billion for its FY to the end of March with a €3.7 billion hit from its Indian subsidiary which is in the process of being disposed of via a merger with IdeaCellular.

Vodafone’s revenue for the year was €47.6 billion – down 4.4% on 2015.

Vodafone’s revenue for the year was €47.6 billion – down 4.4% on 2015.
EBITDA was $14.1 billion.

Net debt was €39.9 billion of which $8.7 billion was debt incurred by the Indian operation.

Vittorio Colao, Vodafone’s CEO, says he expects the company to generate free cash flow of €5 billion next year, compared to $4.1 billion last year.