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Dom > Aktualności > Industry News > 15 member states oppose EU 25 .....

15 member states oppose EU 25 year spectrum licences

  • Autor:Ella Cai
  • Zwolnij na:2017-04-25
Reuters reports that EU plans to try and standardise on a minimum 25-year lifetime for spectrum licences are opposed by 15 out of the 28 member states.

The 15 are: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and the UK.

The refuseniks have produced a position paper saying the EU proposal is “disproportionate and insufficiently flexible to be able to respond to market developments.”
It says that over-long licence periods run the risk of “preventing innovation if relevant frequency bands are awarded for longer than the life cycle of a technology.’

The telecom companies are in favour of the longer licence periods, arguing that it allows them to compete on a bigger scale.

They also say they need longer licence periods to justify making the investments in 5G networks that the EU is particularly keen should be installed as soon as possible.

In most of Europe licences are awarded for 10-15 years, though the UK has awarded unlimited time-span licences.