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MIPI addresses security concerns of IoT chip interfaces

  • Автор:Ella Cai
  • Отпустите на:2017-05-09
The group of firms behind the MIPI interface specifications is to address security in its mobile device interface specifications.

The initiative takes the form of the Security Birds of a Feather (BoF) group which is open to MIPI Alliance member companies as well as non-member security experts.

The aim of the group will be to provide recommendations and guidelines to the MIPI Alliance Board of Directors on how to address the ever-growing mobile security concerns.

For example, it will address security concerns such as confidentiality, integrity and availability. The group is examining use cases involving endpoint identity, sensed and biometric data, and protected content, with a goal of proposing a framework to specification adopters that details the security objectives and threat models.

It will address security design decisions in mobile components, smartphones, mobile-connected devices and IoT products.

“The security BoF will help the MIPI Alliance define security needs and guide a consistent approach for addressing security in MIPI specifications,” said Enrico Carrieri, chair of the MIPI Alliance Security Birds of a Feather group.